Welcome back!
After the summer break, we are happy to share the progress of our European project It’s 4 women realized by BDF (Netherlands), Laptify (Netherlands), EOLAS (Spain), Dalarna Science Park (Sweden), IDP (Ireland), and Babele create together (Romania) .
Our roadmap is ready
One of the outputs of the ITs4women consortium is to create a roadmap for others on how to set up a regional network to promote IT amongst women. The consortium has set up 5 different regional networks during the lifetime of the project and have adapted the outcomes of the research to the practical experiences encountered.
The roadmap entails 6 steps on how to create a regional network, advice on actions to take in case you want to approach an existing network, tips and tricks from our own experience and even advice on how to organise online meetings.
The roadmap is available for download on our website.
The platform is ready for beta testing!
One of the other outputs of Its4women is the platform with training resources and inspirational videos, articles, links for podcasts and books, so that women can get inspiration about how others made their careers in IT and find training resources in their own language. After hard work, alpha testing, and continuous improvement we are almost ready. During the first 2 weeks of September we will beta test it with women from 5 countries. But if you want to have a sneak peak, you can already do so at the following link https://app.itsforwomen.eu/
If you are you interested in joining the beta testing, please get in touch with us via our social media channels (Facebook , Linkedin), and our website, we would love to get your feedback in order to make the platform the most impactful and useful for women.
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